y name is Heather Ziebart.
I am a 23 year old White Caucasian Female. I was born a female. I will always be a female.
I am a straight heterosexual. I like boys. I believe in opposite sex marriage, with one person, for life.
I am a virgin. I believe that sex is to be saved for marriage. And I believe that children should come from within this marriage.
I am a Christian. I believe that the one and only God made the world and all that is in it. I believe that he made me. And that he has a plan for my life.
These things are who I am. They are the core of my being. And right now, PSU is challenging my being. I am surrounded by feminist propaganda in three of my classes. I was told yesterday that just because I have a vagina, that does not make me a girl. It is my choice. My choice. I am being told that the Bible has good stuff in it… but it is not Feminist friendly. I have been told that white, heterosexual, straight, middle class, Christian, nuclear families are not only rare, but on the failing end of the slope as far as families go. I have been told that if I have not explored my sexuality, or questioned my gender, then I probably need to. I am being told that people who marry and have children are simply “breeders” nothing more. They are just following some stereotype expectation, and not living their lives for themselves. I am reading about how history has forgotten women, but we need to “STAND UP NOW” and make sure they gosh darn don’t forget about us from here on out. I am riled up. My blood boils. But I can turn it off. I want to know what is being said. I don’t want to throw it out. I want to question my theology and not throw out biology.
I like the challenges. I like hearing what others have grown up thinking. And getting a glimpse at what the world is hearing. But some days, like this week, it is just loud noise. The words are packages of lies, all wrapped up in a presentation too alluring to not rip open. It is good to question. To think through. To know. The sheep know the voice of the shepherd. And in this truth I shall rest.
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